The Indent Management option is one of the modules that are available in the system. Its function is to allow users from different departments to create and submit indent requests. The requests are for procuring work and other goods. The module also helps in estimating the cost of works and goods, as well as aggregating the demand for goods.
Creating Indent is first step of tendering process. By the indent, department is analyzing the need of work/service/goods and cost estimation. Indent Management is the part of Procurement Process.
Our online Indent Management solution is fully compliance and based on PKI Digital Signature Certificate (DSC). Creating indent online by Lotus Procure is as easy as drafting a mail.
Department user who has the privilege to create new indent can create indent(s) and send it to authorized person for approval. Authorized person will use his/her Digital Signature (DSC) to approve the indents. After the approval you can take approved indents as tender by one click.
Indent Management Highlights :