Government of India


Procurelinc Limited was incorporated on 15th September 2000. It took over the business of providing of telecom services and network management from the erstwhile Central Government Departments of Telecom Services (DTS) and Telecom Operations (DTO), with effect from 1st October‘ 2000 on going concern basis. It is one of the largest & leading public sector units providing comprehensive range of telecom services in India.

8,00,000+ KM of Optical Fiber Network.

138 Lakh Wireline Phone 56% Wireline Market Share

2,505 Hotspots at 180 Cities

1,365 Lakh Lines Switching Capacity

1 Lakh+ FTTH Connections

100+ Million Mobile Customer Base

Exclusive servicesfor eProcurement Process

Live Auction process. Shows real time bid changes to department and bidder.

Customer friendlyfor eProcurement Process

Easy Amendments, Validation, Comparison Sheet and Envelop based system of Tendering.

Highly Secured Technologyfor eProcurement Process

PKI Digital Signature based e-Tendering process to insure the security and integrity of bid.

360 Degree e-Procurement

About Procurelinc e-Procurement Solution


0 (Zero) cost to Buyer/Department.

100% online e-Procurement Solution with 0 (Zero) cost to Buyer or Department.

  • 1. e-Tendering
  • 2. e-Auction
  • 3. Department Management
  • 4. Bidder Management
  • 5.Payment Management

Safety & Transparency First!

Safety & Transparency of tender procedure is our first and foremost concern. Always strive for maintaining it between the departments & contractors.

Download Centre

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Find all the important plugins & softwares for the smooth working of your
new eProcurement pannel & keep yourself up to date.

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Root Chain Certificate




Ammy Admin


~ Coming Soon ~

Your eProcurement assistant is always at hand with our app

Procurelinc Procure’s amazing coming soon feature for every customer is on its way!

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For any question and enquiry

Feel free to email, We generally replies in a day or two!

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